Any liquids passenger includes in the carry-on baggage must be in 100 ml (or
smaller) containers. The total volume of liquids included in the
carry-on baggage must not exceed 1 liter. All the containers with
liquids must be placed in a transparent zipper package.
Liquids are:- water and other drinks
- soups, syrups, yoghurt
- chocolate spread and peanut butter
- soft cheese (Camembert and the like)
- frothy drinks and substances
- perfumes
- gels including hair and shower ones
- pastes including tooth one
- make-up (lipsticks, mascara, shades)
- shampoos, creams, lotions, essential oils
- contents of pressure vessels (shaving and other foams, deodorants, sprays, etc.)
- liquids combined with solid substances
- other similar substances.
In containers of a volume larger than 100 ml following substances may be transported:
- liquid baby food if passenger travels with an infant)
- medicines (passenger must have a medical certificate confirming he/she needs this medicine)
- liquids purchased at the duty-free shop (drinks, cosmetics, perfumes etc).
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